27 November, 2005

Mr. Lonely @ Cyber City

Last nite was a hungry lonely night.
Lazy to cook, no friends going out with me.
Mr. Lonely go Cyber City alone again.
As usual, "order mud mo mud" (嗌乜冇乜), then ordered fried rice.

When I almost finish, Yummy + Mandy + Sam and their friends went Cyber City for dinner.
Moved to their table (過檯), chit chat.
Confirmed Yummy was also from RHS and know Sueann gei.
How come I didn't know there was such a person.
Some funny facts:
I failed HKCEE Chinese many times in a row; Yummy failed IELTS English many times in a row. XD
I was a band 5 high school student; She was a band 1 student.
I am a boring guy; She is a cannot-idie gal.

After dinner, we played 2-game-pool.
I missed (撻Q) many hits, wasted many points. XD
Actually "Mo sum gay play" (冇心機玩), but quite fun la.
Saw Yummy stand on the side, bored look (悶爆look), so pity (好慘).
Haha, I feel so stress everytime gals look bored, coz I only know how to make them feel more boring.

人又老 錢又冇 D friends 仲要走哂佬 <- Cantonese poem XD

約會自己都唔係咁可怕姐,因為有緣人自然會遇上,冇心人約一大班人玩都未必會玩得開心。 <- 天真諗法

Springbrook Hotaru Dou

What is Hotaru Dou?
Hotaru is glow worm; and Dou is cave in Japanese.
Why? Few days before we watched the famous story call Hotaru no Haka (再見螢火蟲) 2005 new drama verson.
Thats why we were excited to go Hotaru Dou immediately after exams.
19/11 last paper, didn't study at all coz I am passing this one anyway.
10:00 am finished exam, as planned, Charlin + Seiichi + Gigi + Defoe went down to Springbrook.

Thats the country side with beautiful ranges, forests and caves.
First we had lunch @ a very country feel restaurant, called ???? country kitchen in the middle of nowhere, tasted the original Australian beef pie.
Yummy! Relaxing! Released!

Then we kept moving towards Springbrook National Park with the waterfall and glow worm cave.
By the time we arrived, it was still early, we decided to hike to the waterfall.
Took a long time but worth, see my photo album and u know.
I was extremely tired and hungry but I was alright after eating the Taiwanese rice ball given by Angie! Thx Thx!

After that, we moved to the cave with glow worms.
That was nice, couldn't take picture there coz flashlight would kill them and that was too dark for my dc.
I can only say it was like watching green stars in planetarium. So beautiful.

Then we went Surfers, Gold Coast for dinner, ate in a Korean restaurant run by Japanese, err...
After that back to Brisbane lo!

Photo Album:


16 November, 2005

Sexy Posters Attack volume 3!

Went to Cyber City, had dinner alone.
Then got back to Indooroopilly and stick poster.

When I was sticking poster outside a Chinese shop.
A male shopkeeper came out and yielded in Cantonese, "Good, they post up again!".
Then two male staffs came out and watch.
Not a few second, a female shopkeeper came out, kicked the male staffs back into the shop and said "It's the leching (淫蕩) poster again".
I have nothing to say...

Clara asked me on msn about leching poster story, and I told her.
I felt chickenhearted when I talk with Clara lo, even on msn, how come.

Farewell 把酒祝東風

Tonight I went to Tibetan Kitchen in Valley with Mayuko, Gigi, Charlin, Seiichi, and Kenichi for kind of farewell dinner coz this may be our last time to meet altogether.
After dinner, we moved to Cyber City, yes, Cyber City again!
Waved to Tim, Howard and Clara there. Also saw Ada from IES and Angie after.
Back to main topic, we chatted outside Cyber City, took pictures with my Bumpy.
Wanted to pause time, didn’t feel like going home so we stayed on my car for very long time.
Maya looks a bit different today, hard to explain, she is elegant all time anyway.

Good times past like a flash, and this will be part of my memory forever.
First time these people met was because of my chocolate birthday party.

Charlin and Seiichi got together, more or less because of meeee!
No need thank you, you two were going to meet anyway, even without me.
A red rope connected you two long long time ago.

Kenichi is going to Cairns two days later.
I will probably not see him again in our house again.
I will always remember my funny housemate who taught us the phrase “Do you know why... because…”.
I will 100% drive my girlfriend in the future to a mountain with beautiful sunset scene and say “Do you know why the sun is Red, because it envy your beautifulness.” (Haseken 2005).
Good luck with job hunting and girl(s) hunting!

Maya safe journey and have a relaxing holiday in Japan.
I will see you again next year or probably Tokyo if I go Japan this year.
Your peace smile is prettiest!



13 November, 2005

Stick Posters Volume 2!

Tomorrow 8:00am will be MGTS2606 exam.
Shit la, haven't start my studying yet.
Woke up not long ago, recieved a call from Cherry, said some posters gone already.
Quick shower, went Cherry place to pick her up, got posters from Clara and Linda? Everytime I saw Clara I also wanted to say, "wa! so pretty. (嘩!好靚)". Hahaha, chiseen (癡線) ga me. Then Cherry and me went to stick posters la, I reversed into a one way road, a police car from didn't know where came out, stopped me, $30 infringement (買路錢), so lame. But... anyway, we had a good chat while those polices printing the infringement notice (牛肉乾), without Cherry's backup I could be really nervous. After sticking posters, we went Cyber City coz I didn't have dinner, she told me a lot of HKSA things. Overall, the second wave of sexy poster attacks was accomplished and I was happy.

12 November, 2005

Defoe Pride!

After sticking posters last night, slept very late.
Got inspired that moment, realized Defoe just stepped into a new stage!
New discovery of the real Defoe!

Just a brief review of my school life, for friends who want to know more about my past.
Year 1984, I was the first child in a HUGH family (大宅門), all uncle autie lived together 20+ people that kind, beloved and high expectation.
The me in primary school was a mummy's boy (群腳仔). Didn't make a lot of friends.
Junior high, kind of antism (自閉) and anti-social, becoz my family put me into a band 5 school. I made some friends with gang background (黑社會背景), I wasn't member, they are my true friends forever, they help brothers no need reason! They weren't bad at all, I still remember a guy same name as me got into jail charged robbery and not much people know the story behind, was saving money for his mother medical fees. By the same time, I was top students in school.
High school, was still in that band 5 (worst)(廢) school, I was too good to be bad boy and was too bad to be a good boy. People started to scare of me and not willing to be my friends.
St. Gloria College, a private school, I started to socialise after many years with no friends, and also a stepping stone for me to go in a band 1 (top)(勁) school RHS.
The year in Rosaryhill School, although I didn't finish F.7, but I gain heaps of friends. But I was so crappy (差勁).
Australia new life! In IES, I became very active and passionate, starting to know the real me!
In UQ, I gain confident of winning everything! And made new friends everyday.
Now joined UQHKSA, a chance to show off my brain, I am not stupid! Ya, in UQHKSA, guys and girls are so smart and good looking. Working with these group of people which got finest brains in the world, is Defoe pride!

11 November, 2005

Infinity Dance Party @ Cesars Nightclub 24/11

Date: Thursday, 24 November, 2005
Time: 9 pm till late
@ Cesars Nightclub - 15 Adelaide St, City (next to 412 bus stop)

* $8 for Members (free entry b4 9.30pm)
* $10 for Students
$12 At door $12

I am sticking posters in Indooroopilly, wakakaka!

Spent whole night working on a web-base system for UQHKSA

I pride for what I have done, built up a tailor-made information system for PRs in 2 days.
With recording function, passworded access, editing, simple accounting records and a auto listing which will fit into Joomla.
Will demonstrate it on the meeting tomorrow.

10 November, 2005

Shirley 度偷番黎玩既

1* 今日係幾號:10/11/2005
2* 有心理準備做呢100條未:訓唔著, nothing better to do!
3* 最鍾意聽咩歌:香港日本台灣pop, techno
4* 你有無潔癖:我housemate 話我bon bon
5* 鍾意ICQ定MSN多: icq
6* 用8個字形容你自己依家既心情:悶爆+發姣+尋死+思鄉
7* 最後一次睇咩戲:Deep Love I, II
8* 住係邊區:Brisbane Mt.Coot-tha 山下既Toowong Cemetery
9* 最想得到咩:靚女
10* 曾經愛過最衰既人:冇,愛過既人都好好
11* 有無後悔愛過佢:冇
12* 有無想過幾時結婚:撞到個o岩心水又夾得埋咪結囉,都幾難
13* 你覺得最可怕既係咩:責任
14* 識得最耐既朋友係邊個呢:唔記得
15* 如有識左幾耐:咁有緣一定係前世識落啦
16* 日記網址係咩:http://www.tekifuku.net/teitaku/blog
17* 最討厭的人或物: 好多,不過我冇咁得閒去計較
18* 屋企電腦係唔係廢既:打機殺人靠佢嫁
19* 最想多謝邊個:朋友們
20* 近排有咩令你有好大壓力:功課考試,不過最惡頂既係屋企
21* 有無得罪過人:我諗我冇邊日冇比人憎過
22* 如果有得罪左邊個:我天生乞人憎,個個見到我都想打巴
23* 用咩牌子既筆做功課:我唔用筆嫁
24* 做呢100條煩唔煩惱呀:好過冇野做
25* 第一次拍拖係幾時:幾年前掛
26* 記咩最叻:仇
27* 有無講過粗口: 我冇粗口才華,不過學緊
28* 最討厭咩天氣: 落雨,部車冇頂會好激
29* 最鍾意哪細理:乜
30* 鍾意男定女:女
31* 支唔支持同性戀:關我X事
32* 最討厭的數字:0
33* 喜歡邊一類型既男性或女性:激索 + 一齊時冇壓力既
34* 有咩秘密唔同人講:密碼
36* 數出你最愛既朋友:睇xanga friendster hi5 啦
38* 係唔係乖學生:我好乖仔嫁
39* 依家幾歲:21
40* 數口叻唔叻: ok la
41* 去開邊間超級市場: Coles
42* 你覺得你係咩人:衰人一個
43* 口頭禪係咩:it's ok
44* 怕唔怕黑:怕
45* 上網多數做咩:打機傾計睇人d日記
46* ICQ no.係咩:160239930
47* 會唔會日日都打日記:唔會
48* 幾度先會開冷氣:冇冷氣
49* 偶像係邊個:上我網睇啦
50* 做左一半啦開唔開心:唔耐煩

51* 最喜歡哪一套動畫:Sailor Moon!!! 講真嫁
52* 細細個個時得唔得意:唔喎
53* 有D咩古怪既習慣:樣樣都好怪
54* 覺得自己尚算正常嗎:唔正常
55* 做過最LOR既事:溝女
56* 讀近咩班:BB
57* 有咩事係你依家既人生轉淚點:入左UQHKSA
58* ICQ HANG左你會點:開番
59* 有無呃過最愛既朋友:我講既大話都係真話;真話都係大話
60* 最鍾意香港邊一到:網吧
61* 最鍾意講既單字:哦
62* 最討厭咩戀情: 單戀
63* 鍾意睇邊一類型既戲:打仗呀!愛到死哂之類既悲情呀!
64* 鍾意韓國定日本多D:日本
65* 點解鍾意呢個國家:潮爆
66* 最怕既動物:女人/女仔
67* 依家有咩目標:自殺
68* 最想學習哪一種語言:日文
69* 你覺得邊一個作家既書最好睇:便利之類
70* 如果要你放棄一樣:愛情,親情,友情.你會選哪樣: 親情,唯一唔到我揀既
71* 有無打ICQ N/A MESSAGE:冇
72* 見到咩人會即刻OFFLINE:冇
73* 電視劇值唔值得追:好睇咪值得追
74* 會唔會幫呀媽做家務:呀媽都唔駛做既
75* 你係屬於被動定主動既人:被動
76* 形容你最討厭既人個樣:7頭以為自己好型
77* 上網最唔好既地方係咩:上癮嫁
78* 有無用BIT TORRENT(即BT):有
79* 有無想過要整容:有
80* 覺得自己最令既地方:肚臍
81* 有無界過手:冇,我怕痛
82* 最想養既動物:靚女呀
83* 覺得自己衰唔衰:我太好人喇,不過真既我係好殘精嫁!
84* 有無兄弟姊妹:堂弟堂妹就有,不過都係一樣咁親
85* 係唔係淆底怪:絕對係啦
86* 最唔相信邊個:人地講乜我都唔信過喎,聽完就算
87* 如果有個傻仔/女話想溝你,你會點:咁益我?溝到咪溝囉
88* 見過最核突既事:
89* 屋企有無種花:冇
90* 返學會唔會著冷衫:唔會
91* 有無鍾意人:冇呀,快d彈個人出黎比我鍾意下啦
92* 最鍾意咩顏色:鐵黑
93* 牙JAY定EDISON靚仔D:Edison
94* 知唔知道神係咩:神都係人,只不過佢做到d人做唔到既野,所以人稱佢為神
95* 上咩堂先會訓覺:走堂好過啦
96* 覺得你自己係屋企有無自由:冇,絕對冇!所以香港既我同澳洲既我係兩個人
97* 如果你有三個願望你想做咩:做大佬去劈差佬;認認真真咁拍次拖;做哂要做既野之後自殺
98* 最鍾意既運動係咩:我唔運動
99* 塔咩車返學:飄住移咁飛車返學
100*眼唔眼訓: 唔眼訓

Not good!

Seems like I am going to fail most of my courses this semester!
Account final didn't do well, economics not good either.
Still have managerial skill and communication, statistics and marketing...
Managerial skill and communication on the boader.
Stat is failing for sure.
Marketing will pass easily.

Shit! I will never overload my study again! ever!

04 November, 2005

Exam! Exam! Exam!

My Exams...
ACCT1101 05-Nov S2 (11:15am) A-Z St Lucia, (Central), UQ Centre - Exhibition Hall
ECON1010 09-Nov S3 (2:30pm) A-Tan St Lucia, (Central), UQ Centre - Exhibition Hall
MGTS2606 14-Nov S1 (8:00am) A-El St Lucia, (Central), UQ Centre - Exhibition Hall
ECON1310 17-Nov S4 (5:45pm) A-Z St Lucia, (Central), UQ Centre - Exhibition Hall
MKTG1501 19-Nov S1 (8:00am) A-Z St Lucia, (Central), UQ Centre - Exhibition Hall

Good luck mates!

Defoe Style

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